Monday, May 31, 2021

Chief Chacon's Written Reprimand

           There’s one question that can be used to narrow down the pool of candidates for our new police chief. Imagine a scene, like at a Congressional hearing in years past, a witness is being asked about his association with the Communist Party or the Mafia or even the Ku Klux Klan. If it helps, imagine the witness wearing a mask or hood to disguise his identity. The first and most important question to ask him or her—the only question to ask, some might argue—in order to shorten the police chief candidate list, would be similar to asking about KKK or fellow-traveler connections, “Are you now—or have you ever been—a member of the Austin Police Association?” If the answer is yes, strike that name from the list. Of course that would not work in present circumstances, in the case of Acting Chief Joseph Chacon who is getting a tryout in the top job and deservedly so. Chief Chacon has almost certainly been a member of the Police Association at some time or another but declines to say when or if he resigned. Be that as it may. Chacon’s appointment to the permanent job still presents a troubling dynamic for the people of the Live Music Capital of the World. The Acting Chief rose to power in an organization that has a violent and racist and/or misogynistic present and past, yet he himself is a member of a minority group and may not have spoken out. Or did not speak much. Because he wouldn’t have lasted, frankly, or prospered in this organization, as he has. 

             Unless his is one of those redacted names of assistant chiefs—in last year’s investigatory bomb about racism on the force, authored by former San Antonio prosecutor Lisa Tatum, who is a sister, btw, and who went through the Austin Police Department like shit through the proverbial goose. The Tatum report found that p.d. leadership—including the infamous fifth floor of the pig pen—the offices of the assistant chiefs, a group that for the last six years has included Joseph Chacon—was aware of bad behavior but took a long, long time for anyone to speak up. In fact, much of the bad behavior was on the fifth floor, not to be judgmental. Before moving to condemn these high-ranking police officers, it’s best to give the Acting Chief his chance at the microphone—and that was actually just done, on KVUE, in a very savvy interview by morning anchor Yvonne Nava, who is hot and smart in equal measure.

Ms. Nava shares her interviewee’s ethnicity and she threw Chief Chacon some softballs, sure, but in a long interview—this was half an hour—apparently that was exactly the correct approach. The chief began to relax and talk about himself. Unlike interviewing former Chief Art Acevedo—whose mere presence fills a room and who is believed to have political ambitions, and who has just become Police Chief of Miami after a rocky few years in Houston and a decade here in River City before thatActing Chief Chacon seemed more professorial. Even meek. A former high-ranking local officer, who is minority but not Latino, said that Chacon, whom he met years ago, made no particular impression on him—and that regardless of Chief Chacon’s management chops, which are considerable, and his knowledge of facts on the ground, which may be unmatched, City Hall needs to hire an outsider to lead this Police Department. That is how my guy couched the choice, not choosing between Joseph Chacon and someone else, but picking an insider or an outsider. City Hall could certainly do a lot worse in a Chief of Police and already has, on a number of occasions. The question is do you really want to hire a guy or girl to reform a system that he or she is a product of?

There is a reason for diversity, in journalism as in policework, and Ms. Nava, who is from Laredo, already knew something about her subject before she sat down to talk to him. The upshot of the interview was that Joseph Chacon is a good guy, he may not be chief material—we’ll have to wait and see, just like with anyone else—but if he were white he would probably already have the position. And that’s the test, isn’t it? Isn’t that the new standard in public affairs—no more white privilege, everybody gets treated the same? Minorities don’t have to walk on water in order to get the same job that a more flawed white guy or white girl? Not to be judgmental, again. So, like, to cut to the chase Chief Chacon seems actually to merit the position. He’s very smart—not just in the sense that former Chief Acevedo is smart—it was Acevedo, btw, who elevated Chacon to the fifth floor where the assistant chiefs have their lair. But well-educated too. What Acevedo seemed to know instinctively, Chacon has learned in a classroom, in a trajectory from El Paso P.D. to Austin P.D. His training transcript, on file with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, reads like War and Peace and is almost as long. His story overall—as it is currently being pushed at City Hall and as was revealed in Ms. Nava’s excellent interview—is a little too good to be true but not a deal-breaker by any means. This is a guy who was Austin P.D.’s intelligence chief, responsible for liaison with the FBI, and also a supervisor on the Homicide Detail, so the idea that Chief Chacon has spent his career helping little old ladies to cross Congress Avenue may not be an accurate description of his history with the department. He told Ms. Nava that his most fulfilling time was as a detective. That may turn out to be a liability.

He was, again btw, on the Homicide Detail when Areli Escobar was convicted of murder and sentenced to death. There’s a commendation for then-Lieutenant Chacon’s handling of the case, in his record released by City Hall. Areli Escobar—who is on Death Row—has just been recommended for retrial, after issues of misconduct. That may present problems down the road for the Acting Chief but the misconduct was apparently lab-related and prosecutorial, in the office of hapless then-D.A. Rosemary Lehmberg. History can come back to bite you, as Chief Chacon may discover, but he’s not alone. Both our city manager and deputy manager, who will choose the next chief of the Austin Police Department, btw, served in similar positions in Minneapolis, the Bad Policing Capital of the World. The new U.S. Attorney General has ordered review of the Minneapolis force whose practices the present Austin city manager and deputy manager were almost certainly aware of, or should have been aware, whether they directly supervised the department or not in Minneapolis, as they do here in Texas. Which means a probable visit from a Special Agent, or two, if just for a chat—what didn’t you know in the Twin Cities, for example, and when didn’t you know it? In the case of Austin’s skeletons, all those people killed in recent years by APD, circumstances may actually work in Chief Chacon’s favor. There is the very real possibility that APD officers have committed murder on the job, not just those recently charged by the new D.A. An outsider might stumble upon something, while an insider would know where not to look.

That’s why it's a little worrisome, Chief Chacon’s role as a minority in a racist environment. Did he shuck and jive his way through the ranks like some of the high-ranking black officers or did he speak up? Probably both. It’s a question of degree for a minority officer in heavily white-led and white-populated police departments, like our own, said my guy above. My guy also did the job as a high-ranking law enforcement official who is not white. Getting there is harder for blacks and Asians but Latinos and Latinas also face a lot of soul-searching about how much crap to take from white people, especially supervisors, in order to advance their careers. There’s no particular evidence in Chief Chacon’s record that he spoke up—because the file that was released about him, by Human Resources, had obviously been sanitized with bleach. In other words—selling out la raza, or whatever one might wish to call it—the chances that he is a mole for the Police Association do not seem high.

In his personnel file he is described while still a patrolman as a “hot dog,” literally, which is not particularly encouraging, and later working as a detective as being energetic, whatever that meant. He was a civil service advancement up to the rank of commander when Chief Acevedo elevated him to assistant chief. And something changed, frankly, around that time in the Austin Police Department. Art Acevedo arrived from Cali, he had made his bones in the Highway Patrol, at one point as a headhunter, and was kind of macho, yeah, but in a good way, and he was unwilling to get down on all fours for the Police Association, as was the local custom at the time. Because up until that time the Chief had mostly been APA’s bitch. Choosing the new chief will also be a major political decision at City Hall. Latinos say it’s their turn, Chief Acevedo didn’t count, he was Cuban not Tejano. And blacks have written ourselves out of contention, in this horse race, by selling out in the past. The city manager showed surprisingly bad judgment, just recently, in that regard. For the committee responsible for “re-imagining” the Austin police force, the manager picked a black former assistant chief named Michael McDonald who has been the police department’s official Uncle Tom since, oh, the turn of the century. McDonald who also served as deputy city manager, was the guy you would see standing behind former Mayor Leffingwell at a press conference, after a bad police shooting, to make it seem that blacks were on board with the department’s version of the facts. It's said that even as deputy city manager he liked to be called "Chief." Shit. He'll have to be really good at re-imagining, since Chief McDonald helped to imagine what we have now. McDonald is the mole for APA, if anyone is, on the Re-Imagination Committee. If there were a Nuremberg trial for APD, instead of re-imagination, Chief McDonald would be locked up, but he is said to be liked by incumbent Mayor Steve Adler, who is a ho too.

With this background in mind, in order to see where Joseph Chacon is coming from, look at two other former APD higher-ups, both members of minority groups. In the Tatum report, there’s a reference to an unnamed black assistant chief being described derisively by a white colleague, “He may be a nigger, but he’s our nigger.” Words to that effect. That’s a reference to Frank Dixon who left Austin p.d. almost three years ago to become chief in Denton, outside Dallas. In an email exchange last year, after Ms. Tatum released her report, Chief Dixon acknowledged that the reference was to him, but denied that he sold out his peeps for the braid on his cap, or that he ignored racism and intolerance in order to advance his own career. “That’s ridiculous,” he wrote. “There is no way I would or have stood by and watched anything of the sort. I have always done the right thing, and my career has not been the driving force behind any decisions I’ve made.” Which sounds completely insincere, actually, for a couple of reasons. First there’s the Stalinist argument—you know, the mere suspicion that could still get you a bullet from a revolutionary tribunal? Just the fact that anyone would say that about you, that Frank Dixon is “our nigger,” not a good sign. There’s more. A different former high-ranking law enforcement official, not my guy mentioned above, but another outstanding officer, who knew Assistant Chief Dixon, and who is white, said that was exactly what Dixon did do, play the role of House Negro at APD headquarters. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. There’s more. This is, like, the bomb. Literally the only proof you need to vote thumbs down on Chief Dixon as a candidate to lead our department. After Dixon left for Denton, and as Acevedo was leaving for Houston, and the Police Association was pushing for the appointment of Acevedo’s number two guy, Brian Manley, the white guy who was chief of staff, to get the top job, which he did, and just retired from, after a little push by City Council—Police Association President Ken Casaday said that if it weren’t for Manley, who APA was supporting, the Association would have backed Frank Dixon for the top job. Which is, like, all you need to know about Chief Dixon’s suitability for office. Without even asking are you now or have you ever been, you feel me?

A second former APD assistant chief, Jessica Robledo, who is a gay Latina, was described by my #2 guy above in the same breath with Frank Dixon, as someone who used her identity as a way up the chain of command. Without much concern for what was going on around her. (Chief Robledo, who was just fired in a suburban Austin community for supposedly creating a “toxic” atmosphere in her department, could not be reached to ask if she sold out.) And this is, again, in the Stalinist model—which may not seem fair but does have a certain logic—because of one fundamental question. How can you rise as a minority officer in a racist and sexist organization like the Austin Police Department (which has been responsible for dozens of killings of minorities through the years, mostly black men but Latinos as well) unless you’re turning a blind eye? Lucky for us here in the Live Music Capital of the World, there’s a good chance that Chief Chacon is made of different stuff. And that times have changed, especially since his appointment as assistant chief, when he first got that office on the fifth floor.

The same high-level former officer first mentioned above, My Guy #1 we can call him, even though he is not a supporter of Acting Chief Chacon—and believes Joseph Chacon should not get the job permanently, because there needs to be an outsider to come in and clean out the stables. My GUY #2 still urged caution in believing any last-minute bombshells about the Acting Chief. “Because once you get to that level, [people] are looking for shit to throw at you, to see what sticks.” Don’t you love this town? Also, he said, after a quarter century at the pig pen, no matter how studious his manner Chief Chacon has pissed off a lot of people who might like nothing better than to torpedo his career. And there’s just the ordinary random chance that he has stepped in shit, doing his job, in Homicide or in Intelligence, maybe out on date night with the FBI, who aren’t helping your grandmother to cross the street either. Or there’s something he saw or heard on the fifth floor. Chief Acevedo once said in an interview on the eighth floor, btw, because that’s where the big guy or big girl has his or her office, that it was his job to know the city’s secrets. Acting Chief Chacon already knows whatever it is that City Hall hides from the public, security measures, wrongdoing by the silicon elites, or by the cops themselves. Chief Chacon knows all that already, whether he gets the permanent title or not. And as a way to smear him, someone might point at the white officer who supervised Joseph Chacon on the Homicide Detail, a guy named Spangler, who was later in charge of training at the police academy where a lot of the racism in the department has apparently originated. Can you hold that against Acting Chief Chacon? No. That would be guilt by association, which is where the Stalinist model breaks down. Unless it's the Police Association, that would be one association you can condemn. With a cop, you mostly want to look at his or her record. The Acting Chief’s is impressive enough.

There is actually proof that Joseph Chacon has gotten in trouble before, as a young officer, btw, which makes him human and is somehow reassuring. The incident comes from a time before he arrived in Austin, when he was a patrolman in his hometown of El Paso, back, back in the day. We’re talking 1995, a quarter-century ago, more. So, like, he has a letter of written reprimand in his file at El Paso P.D. How cool is that? And it’s a beautiful thing, not to get all sentimental or anything. The Chief of Police who actually wrote the letter to young Patrolman Chacon was muy pissed off, you might say.

This was not one paragraph, don’t do it again. It was half a page, you fucked up big time. So, like, the circumstances were that Officer Chacon had restrained a prisoner in a patrol car but not tightly enough to stop the guy from kicking out a window, breaking glass that cut Chacon’s partner. Imagine how different that scenario would be in Austin. The complaint would be that the officer kicked the shit out of the prisoner, or slammed his head into the hood of the patrol car. Or shot an unarmed suspect running away. Or shot an unarmed suspect standing still. Officer Chacon’s error was not using enough force instead of too much. That could mean difficult days ahead on the fifth floor.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Uvalde Negro Trap


           The daughter of a friend of mine was stopped and searched for marijuana on her way to or from Garner State Park, the most popular Lone Star camping site. A short time later another friend also en route to Garner had a scary interaction with a state trooper in Leakey (pronounced “lakey”) in Real County (pronounced “re-al”) that borders Uvalde. Some small communities have mala fama for being speed traps, generating municipal revenue from fines for bogus tickets after bogus stops, including the infamous Mustang Ridge outside Austin. Doesn’t seem a far stretch that speed traps have been replaced by weed traps in which small town cops, recognizing that traffic is coming from our fair capital city—which has a reputation for a liberal attitude towards the sacred herb—might decide to push the limits of probable cause in order to make a bust. Or a seizure.

My first call was to Real County Sheriff Nathan Johnson and he pretty much put an end to that speculation. Sheriff Johnson runs a small shop, himself and four deputies, and he said that his primary concern is protecting life and property and the last time he even charged anyone with possession of pot, the individual was arrested for something else and the weed became an add-on. Looking at Sheriff Johnson's training transcript, on file with the State of Texas, he has a certificate in hypnotism—take that for what it’s worth. He said that the only way to know that a vehicle is not from his county is not by looking at the plate from behind but looking instead at the vehicle head on, and close, to see the inspection sticker, which can be difficult to do at a high closing speed like two cars approaching on a farm to market road. Which was not totally convincing because anyone who has ever lived in a small town knows that local cops know which vehicles they pass on the road belong to locals and which do not because they know the vehicles themselves. Be that as it may.

The sheriff seemed like a decent guy, he had used grant money, he said, to equip his officers with body cameras, something there has been, one presumes, no rush to do in much of small-town Texas. He said that tourism is a big part of Real County’s economy with cabins that rent out along the bucolic Frio River—a body of water that also attracts campers to Garner State Park. Although he has a responsibility to enforce the law, Sheriff Johnson would not be a very popular elected official if he started arresting people coming to relax and spend money. During a pandemic. And this was crucial: he said that his seized asset account, which has made law enforcement a lot of money recently, again, especially in small-town Texas, is only about $6000, unchanged over the last few years. Besides that, Real County is literally an outlier, you might say—if you’re going to Garner State Park. Never having been there myself. Sheriff Johnson’s jurisdiction is on the scenic route to Garner State Park from Austin, along U.S. 83 through Fredricksburg and Johnson City, where LBJ graduated high school, btw, then Junction and south to Leakey and finally Uvalde County. You don’t have to enter the city of Uvalde if you’re going to the park although many visitors do, to buy supplies. Most people going to the park don’t use this long route and, instead, just take I-35 south to San Antonio and U.S. 90 west to Uvalde. Before talking further to the local authorities, about the possibility of a weed trap, it seemed prudent to check police profiling data regarding who is being stopped in that area of the State of Texas.

The Legislature has mandated that reports be submitted every year by sheriffs and police departments. Real County’s numbers were completely uninteresting but the jurisdiction that stopped my friend’s daughter, Uvalde P.D., showed a single incredible statistic. The profiling report released by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, which is custodian of the data, showed that in the years 2019 and 2020, Uvalde police stopped over 11,000 African American drivers total, more than whites or Latinos, in a part of South Texas, hard by the banks of the mighty Rio Grande, that is by far and away majority-Latino and where black people are few and far between. 11,188 to be exact. Hmmm. My next call was to Ruben Nolasco, just elected Sheriff of Uvalde, Texas, by 60 votes. First his numbers: Sheriff Nolasco said that his county includes all of Garner State Park and has a population of about 26,000—90 percent are Latino, about 9 percent white and less than 1 percent black. He is especially familiar with the last demographic, he said, because his daughter is married to a black guy and the sheriff himself is Latino in a county where white men have long held sway over their brown brothers and sisters. Although Sheriff Nolasco, who is Republican, did not say that about white men holding sway. Nor did he say that he served as a deputy sheriff before being elected to the top job, but he did—he's from South Texas and he is unaware of any profiling in his jurisdiction and considers it unlikely for a couple of reasons, first being, as mentioned by the Real County sheriff, stopping people who are coming to spend money in your county would not be much liked by local businesspeople. He said that there is a problem on the roads of Uvalde but he described that as “I.A.’s” or illegal aliens who have crossed the border with the help of traffickers.

The sheriff said for example, during our chat, that a chase of a suspected trafficker had just been called off in Uvalde for fear of endangering the public or the people in the vehicle. His counterpart in Real County also mentioned this dynamic and said that state troopers, from the Texas Department of Public Safety, who are normally assigned to counties across the state, like his own, have been “pushed” to the Rio Grande to deal with the immigrant surge, leaving areas that don’t directly border Mexico understaffed by troopers. Putting pressure on understaffed sheriff offices. Some of Governor Abbott’s complaints about chaos at the border are valid, in other words, although Sheriff Nolasco didn’t say that either, but presumably would have, if asked. “Some people believe,” he told me, without indicating if he is one of some people, “that the I.A.’s are being allowed into Texas to vote for one particular party.” That aside he seemed like a decent guy too, like Sheriff Johnson, and his assertion that there is a lot going on in South Texas right now for law enforcement that does not involve black people seems, you know, credible.

There’s in fact too much going on in South Texas or Southwest Texas, or Proto-West Texas, wherever the fuck Uvalde is, and the idea that law enforcement is taking time out to stop black motorists, by the thousands, on U.S. Highway 90, seems far-fetched but not impossible. This is a Southern state.

Talking to NAACP officials is always helpful for context, if the subject involves Negritude. These guys and girls know the culture and the law, especially policing. Gary Bledsoe, president of the Texas NAACP, said that he had not heard of problems for black motorists in the Garner State Park area but he also recalled for me the case of the San Jacinto County Sheriff, in East Texas, back in the not too distant day, who was arrested by the FBI for stopping motorists on U.S. 59 and scamming them or filing false charges. Houston NAACP President James Douglas, who is a law professor, recalled his own experience in an East Texas speed trap where the posted highway speed suddenly changed to a lower residential one and “they give you about thirty yards to slow down.” He had not heard, he said, of any problems in the western part of the state although he noted that I-10, which goes through Houston, parallels U.S. 90 near Uvalde, and is often used by black families going to California to visit relatives. Richard Watkins, a former prison warden from East Texas who also served as president of the NAACP in Huntsville, home of the state prison system, years ago raised a warning about a particular problem in his own Walker County and its pineywoods surroundings that may also be a concern now in the scrubland of Uvalde. The problem, per Warden Watkins, is that a major highway passes through Huntsville, something that speed traps often have in common. A highway is the setting for the crime, not the backwoods cracker-sheriff action you see in movies. He said that in many of the cases of minorities who are illegally pulled over on highways, you never hear about the bad stop because the drivers keep going and do not stay or spend the night to complain in the morning. Cops know that, that's the theory at least. It may be borne out by research as well. “The only hard and fast rule—don’t look at census data as a denominator. The people who drive in an area,” said Professor Geoffrey Alpert, who studies police profiling at the University of South Carolina’s Department of Criminology, “are not the ones who live there, except in small towns.” Which is Uvalde too. A small town.

Richard Watkins, the former prison warden, said that he used to hunt in Uvalde County, near the huge Briscoe Ranch, back in the day, and some of the worst racist rhetoric he has ever heard comes now from that part of the state, from native-born or native-bred Latinos bitching about refugees. The part of bigot was previously played by powerful white men in South Texas and the targets of their abuse were also Latinos. In fact, one of the last great patrĂ³nes in Lone Star history was from Uvalde, Dolph Briscoe, among the last Democrats to be governor before the Republican flood, you could call it, nearly half a century ago—except Ann Richards’ brief term in office. Governor Briscoe’s ranch in Uvalde is far far far bigger than Garner State Park, btw. Actually, Uvalde has a pretty piss poor reputation for civil rights, not to be judgmental, due to men like Dolph Briscoe, we won’t go into that here, but mostly due to white oppression & white exploitation. Call it white privilege. 

The park itself is named after Cactus Jack Garner, who started his political career as Uvalde County Judge and rose to be Vice President of the United States under FDR. Cactus Jack was a previous generation's Big Daddy in South Texas, like Dolph Briscoe. The incumbent Big Daddy appears to be a white guy named Bill Mitchell who is Uvalde County Judge and who has held the position since 1987, almost four decades, and just announced his plans to run for reelection in 2022. You couldn't make it up. This time, with Uvalde P.D., it would be Latinos trying to take advantage of the noble black man and noble black woman, however. Which would be hurtful if true. My feeling, knowing the police as only an African American male can, studying them from my earliest days of grade school cognition, during both wanted and unwanted interactions—cops, especially small town cops? Stopping black people systematically seems too much like work. Especially for Latinos which is a description of most of Uvalde P.D. Again not to stereotype or anything. Black cops might do the same thing but only if the money was really really really good.

White cops, no, you couldn’t say that because police work can be an extension of white privilege, not to go all Critical Theory on you or anything.

 Latinos—except when dealing with other Latinos, for example people coming across the Rio Grande without papers—are not into brown privilege or whatever, generically-speaking. Usually. Unless there’s something in it for the police department or for the individual officer, like a shakedown of some kind, which is not beyond the realm of possibility in Uvalde or anywhere else. There’s another reason to be careful about accepting the accuracy of a high number of black stops. Dr. Gregory Hudspeth, president of the San Antonio chapter of the NAACP said that it’s prudent first to review the Uvalde data for the possibility of software/data entry errors. He also said that I-10, on which many families—many African American as well as every other kind of family—journey to or from California, as mentioned by the Houston NAACP president, and which also passes through other heavily black communities like New Orleans and Tallahassee: Dr. Hudspeth said, well, “I just take I-10.”

Because taking U.S. 90 out of San Antonio instead of I-10, choosing in other words to pass through Uvalde, it’s a scenic route too, whether you’re going to Cali or to Houston, and not much used by black people. This is going to sound totally racist but actually has grounding in other stats. Not the police profiling kind. According to figures from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, which operates Garner State Park, blacks are the least likely ethnic group to use the campsites, at Garner apparently or anywhere else. You may say, well, U.S. 90 is still a more scenic way to go west, to Cali, but the problem with that theory is that 90 leads to Marfa where, having been there and not seen another black faceand Big Bend National Park which is just as unlikely to be popular with black people as Garner State Parkit’s just not a big attraction to the black peeps, you feel me? The scenic route as defined by white people.

Black people don't drive to Marfa to see the Marfa lights. Black families don't just suddenly wake up on Saturday morning and decide to go camping either, it's a decision that would have to be discussed and voted upon in family councils months if not years in advance. Not the way white or Latino families apparently do, not to stereotype or anything. 

My doubt about Uvalde’s profiling numbers is therefore fundamental—not just doubting that Uvalde P.D. stopped 11,000 black motorists in the last two years but also questioning whether there have even been 11,000 black motorists passing through Uvalde to stop, on their way to or from Marfa or Garner State Park or Big Bend. My view—and, again this may sound totally racist, but only to the uninitiated. My view is that given our history of agricultural labor out-of-doors, and in the heat of day, back in the day, today the average black Texan would much prefer to spend his or her leisure time inside with the AC on. And if we’re going to Cali by car, we’re on I-10 because it’s faster and fuck Marfa and fuck the Marfa Lights. That means, coincidentally, giving Uvalde a miss too. My friend whose daughter was searched for weed is white, btw, and you know that because if she were black her daughter wouldn't be going camping at Garner. “I can guarantee you that it’s a data entry error,” said Mike Hernandez, who is former Uvalde P.D., presently a school cop and was the Democrat who lost to Ruben Nolasco for Uvalde County Sheriff by those 60 votes. Lieutenant Hernandez said there’s a lot of other police action going on in South Texas right now that does not involve stopping black motorists. But it’s hard to ignore the numbers, especially since the Uvalde puercos, given opportunities to disavow the stats, did not.